If your back hurts, that's completely normal. However, ailments that don't go away after a few days or weeks are a cause for concern. In this article, you will learn what pain is normal and when you should have surgery. First, 4 common signs that are of a more general nature and can of course have different causes. Sometimes these are signs of a problem in the back, so it's definitely worth getting checked out. Further down in the text it gets a little more "technical" and some common direct causes are addressed.
There are many ways a poor diet can lead to frequent back pain. For one thing, eating a lot of processed foods can weaken the spine and muscles, making them prone to injury. Inadequate nutrient intake can also lead to inflammation, which can put pressure on nerves and cause pain.
A herniated disc - the technical term is prolapse (prolapsus nuclei pulposi) - is a condition where one of the discs that cushion your vertebrae slips out of position. This can happen from a sudden injury or over time as a result of wear and tear on the spine. A herniated disc can be very painful and cause other symptoms as well.
With a minimally invasive spine operation by the appropriate specialists, sports and competitive sports are possible again after just a few weeks. The internationally recognized experts at the Apex-Spine spine clinic in Munich have already proven this several times.
If you're familiar with back pain and tension, and perhaps have had a herniated disc, you know that the cold can feel like it's seeping into your bones. Do back problems really get worse in the fall?
Here you will find medical terms for non-physicians in the field of spinal surgery.
The Apex Spine Center is your first address for all questions relating to a healthy back. Under the personal guidance of experienced sports therapists, people of all ages can treat their back pain, do individualized back exercises for strong and healthy back muscles and receive a program for individual training at home.
The Apex Spine Spine Center in Munich is not only known in Germany as a first-class specialist clinic for spine and intervertebral disc operations. The Apex Spine Spinal Center is considered a pioneer in spinal surgery throughout Europe.
The spinal canal is protected inside the spine. This canal protects the sensitive nerves from pressure and damage. At the level of each vertebral body, nerves emerge from the spinal canal and innervate the entire body segmentally. With age, this spinal canal can narrow, which is referred to as spinal canal stenosis.
If you are reading this article then you have probably been searching for a topic related to disc surgery or spine surgery. You may be affected yourself or someone close to you. Then you know how sensitive an operation on the intervertebral disc is and you want to get the best possible treatment for it.
You probably know the phrase that “the next sow will be driven through the village”. What is meant by this is that a new hype is created around a certain topic. It is no different in medicine. This is made easier by our changed way of consuming media, in some circles one speaks of headline journalism.
Questions and answers about disc surgery
A disc prosthesis maintains freedom of movement and enables a pain-free life
Good preparation can significantly improve the result of an intervertebral disc operation!
Back pain is one of the most common reasons patients see a doctor. It is not uncommon for a back operation to be recommended afterwards. Since the patient sees the doctor as an expert and therefore has a certain amount of trust in him, he quickly tends to agree to the back operation without getting a second opinion beforehand.
Back pain is a widespread ailment in Germany. In a survey, more than 60 percent of the population stated that they had been affected by back pain in the past 12 months, and around 15 percent even suffer from chronic complaints in this area. While bed rest used to be ordered for back pain, we now know how important it is to stay active in everyday life.
In the current time, our desire for vacation is greater than ever. The crisis affected our back health in different ways, both professionally and privately. Due to a less than optimally equipped workplace in the home office, closed fitness studios and no sports courses, many of us had less exercise and thus had to struggle with all kinds of back problems. Therefore, please pay special attention to your back relaxation during your upcoming vacation.
Today, an ever-increasing number of people suffer from back pain, which is often chronic. If the symptoms are severe or chronic, a doctor is often consulted. But even if you consult an orthopedist as a specialist for the supporting or musculoskeletal system, a misdiagnosis can always occur. In a large number of cases, back pain can also be non-specific, so that the trigger for the symptoms cannot be clearly identified.
One reason why back pain is the second leading cause of intermittent disability is due to the evolutionary development of our upright gait. With the transfer of body weight to two columns instead of four, the load on the spine, especially the lumbar vertebrae, increased significantly.
Lufthansa offers a global route network that connects Munich with major cities around the world. As a mobility partner for patients who have booked medical treatment at the APEX SPINE CENTER, Lufthansa offers patients and their companions special prices and flexible conditions in First, Business and Economy Class.
The field of spinal surgery (intervertebral disc surgery) is an orthopedic and neurosurgical special field, the benefits of which can be immense for patients, but on the other hand there is also a considerable potential for danger if there is too little experience or outdated methods.