Many people with back pain ignore the problem for a long time. They think that the problem will go away when the pain disappears. However, they underestimate the risks to the back, which can have a long-term negative impact on the health of the back.
Almost everyone has experienced a stiff and tense neck. But in some cases there is more to it than that and it is a painful herniated disc in the cervical spine. With the cervical microforaminotomy, the herniated disc can be repaired in 45-60 minutes and the patient is pain-free again.
Chronic herniated discs can be very painful and sometimes difficult to treat because they are hard to reach. Neurostimulation, also known as spinal cord stimulation, can be an effective therapy alternative.
Wear and tear, lack of exercise and other reasons sooner or later lead to wear and degeneration of the intervertebral discs, which is usually associated with pain. If conservative measures are unsuccessful, a new, gentle method can provide rapid relief without a lengthy hospital stay.
Our spine is a fascinating invention with a very well thought-out structure and incredible functionality. Unfortunately, many people neglect their spine and then struggle with painful back problems in old age.
Due to age or hormonal changes, many people develop osteoporosis as they get older, which also poses risks for the spine. This sometimes leads to vertebral collapses and fractures, which can be very painful. In such cases, a very precise diagnosis and the resulting treatment are absolutely necessary.
Back problems are not only unpleasant and painful, they are also associated with high costs for the economy, as they are the second most common cause of illness at work. There are many simple ways to prevent this.
When a layperson hears the term spinal fusion, many people involuntarily conjure up the image of someone who can barely move. What is this procedure really all about? When is spinal fusion indicated and what alternatives are there?
According to reports, 180,000 people in Germany are affected by a herniated disc every year, many of which are accompanied by severe pain. Regardless of the further course and the correct treatment, one issue is of utmost importance: relief from the pain as quickly as possible. What fast-acting pain treatments are there?
Spinal problems can be very painful and limit mobility. One possible cause is spondylolisthesis, also known as spondylolisthesis or sliding vertebrae. The Apex-Spine spine center in Munich provides information about symptoms, causes and treatment options.
When people talk about a herniated disc, they usually think of affected areas in the lower back, the lumbar region. In fact, this is where most herniated discs occur. Herniated discs in the cervical spine are less common. These can sometimes be very dangerous.
According to various reports, 80 percent of the population will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, up from 60 percent in the past year. This is often harmless and disappears after a short time, sometimes it is more severe, and in some cases even dangerous.
The motto of this year's Back Health Day on March 15, 2023 was: Back health with heart, hand and mind
A wrong sleeping position can damage your health in the long run. Back pain, pain in the spine and even herniated discs can be the result. Only if the spine can remain in its natural form when lying down will this help to prevent tension and pain.
You should avoid the following sleeping position...
If your back hurts, that's completely normal. However, ailments that don't go away after a few days or weeks are a cause for concern. In this article, you will learn what pain is normal and when you should have surgery. First, 4 common signs that are of a more general nature and can of course have different causes. Sometimes these are signs of a problem in the back, so it's definitely worth getting checked out. Further down in the text it gets a little more "technical" and some common direct causes are addressed.
There are many ways a poor diet can lead to frequent back pain. For one thing, eating a lot of processed foods can weaken the spine and muscles, making them prone to injury. Inadequate nutrient intake can also lead to inflammation, which can put pressure on nerves and cause pain.
A herniated disc - the technical term is prolapse (prolapsus nuclei pulposi) - is a condition where one of the discs that cushion your vertebrae slips out of position. This can happen from a sudden injury or over time as a result of wear and tear on the spine. A herniated disc can be very painful and cause other symptoms as well.
With a minimally invasive spine operation by the appropriate specialists, sports and competitive sports are possible again after just a few weeks. The internationally recognized experts at the Apex-Spine spine clinic in Munich have already proven this several times.
If you're familiar with back pain and tension, and perhaps have had a herniated disc, you know that the cold can feel like it's seeping into your bones. Do back problems really get worse in the fall?
Here you will find medical terms for non-physicians in the field of spinal surgery.
The Apex Spine Center is your first address for all questions relating to a healthy back. Under the personal guidance of experienced sports therapists, people of all ages can treat their back pain, do individualized back exercises for strong and healthy back muscles and receive a program for individual training at home.