Effectively prevent a herniated disc

A herniated disc is very common in 30- to 50-year-olds who don't get enough exercise. As soon as the core of the intervertebral disc presses on the nerves, back pain occurs. These can manifest themselves locally or radiate to other parts of the body. In addition to a lack of exercise, the main causes of a herniated disc are stress, poor posture, obesity or poor connective tissue.

conservative therapies

In the acute phase, pain medication, heat treatments and, of course, rest initially help. After that, you can continue with strengthening therapy or physiotherapy. You should improve your posture and strengthen your muscles with targeted exercises. In addition, the core of the intervertebral disc is centered again.

stress and pain

Now, during the crisis, many people are working from home, for example. As a result of this sedentary activity, incorrect postures are assumed that can provoke back pain or a herniated disc. In addition, there is a double burden, for example with children at home, which increases the stress level.

Back pain or pain in general increases as soon as the so-called "stress bucket" overflows. High workload, obesity, lack of sleep, unbalanced diet or poor exercise patterns are a few of these key factors.

Above a certain threshold, the central nervous system classifies the individual condition as a threat. So the pain you feel is an "action signal" from the brain that something is out of balance. Your sensible actions can now prevent the worst!

Start instead of waiting

Because a herniated disc can be a very painful and long-lasting burden. Our motto is therefore: Prevention is better than cure. Empty your "stress bucket" regularly by consciously taking the time to exercise and relax. Below are our top 3 tips to prevent a herniated disc and back pain.

Our back fit app has already proven itself as a great tool for everyday life at home. You will be accompanied intensively with video and audio coaching so that bad movement patterns are improved, muscles are strengthened and stress is reduced. You can find the download link for the app directly on our website.

In addition, we offer the MedX strengthening therapy, which is carried out on the most modern training equipment and under the guidance of back experts. Our tip: Start using the app immediately and as soon as the regulations allow it again, we look forward to seeing you at the APEX SPINE Center.

Furthermore, fluid intake is important, both for the intervertebral discs with the gelatinous core and for the fascial tissue. The gelatinous core, for example, consists of more than 80% water and lies between the vertebrae like a water cushion. In order to enable the optimal supply of all structures, a healthy adult should drink approx. 30-40ml of water per kilogram of body weight.
Our tip: Add a dash of lemon juice.

Simple breathing exercises are suitable for your stress management. Did you know that you take around 17,000 breaths a day? The nervous system is very sensitive to this. By consciously lengthening the exhalation, the resting nerve is activated. Stress is regulated and regeneration processes are stimulated.
Our tip: Sit upright for 5 minutes, mentally count to 2 when inhaling and to 4 when exhaling. Back pain can often be regulated very well by doing this alone. Here at the Apex-Spine Spine Center you will find the right information, contacts and experts.