Common disease back pain. What helps? How to prevent

Everyone knows it: After a long day, your back hurts and ruins any evening plans. If you also suffer from frequent back pain, you are not alone - the problem has long been a widespread disease.

Widespread back pain: The most important things at a glance

Germany's doctors treat an average of 38 million patients with back pain every year. One in three suffers from it regularly. Back pain often results from bad posture or not doing enough exercise. Stress and overexertion are also possible reasons. However, back pain is not only a widespread disease, but also a symptom of numerous organic diseases: If you also experience impaired perception, restricted movement or fever, you should consult a doctor.

The most common diseases of the back include herniated discs and scoliosis. The herniated disc draws attention to itself primarily through acute pain that radiates into the legs. Scoliosis is primarily characterized by crooked shoulders, an uneven back, and difficulty moving.

Arthrosis and osteoporosis are other common back problems. In the former, the bones rub against each other due to worn cartilage parts and cause heat and weakness in addition to stress pain and swelling. Osteoporosis, on the other hand, is characterized by brittle bones: it causes frequent vertebral fractures and dull stabbing pains.

Therapy and prevention of the common disease

The best therapy is still exercise and sports. Especially if you have to sit a lot at work, it is best to change your posture frequently. You need a supportive mattress that gives way under the shoulders and pelvis. Because obesity is also a reason for back pain, it can also be prevented with a balanced diet.

Unfortunately, existing back pain is often operated on too quickly. Rarely is the problem entirely in the spine, instead there are many other factors. Stress and an unsuitable mattress are the triggers for the majority of those affected. In this case, an operation can be harmful because the vertebrae and muscles in the back are extremely sensitive.

If the pain has a physical reason, there are other conservative therapy methods in addition to surgery. These include back training, physiotherapy and targeted treatments of the original disease. In some cases, massages and thermal therapy will also help you achieve your goal.

Diagnosis and treatment of back pain

There are tons of reasons for back pain. Therefore, an exact diagnosis in case of illness is essential. Any treatment only makes sense if it gets to the root of the problem. Otherwise, the problems will only worsen. Even if you decide against surgery, a doctor must make the correct diagnosis and design an appropriate treatment plan.

If surgery is unavoidable, there are a few factors to consider when choosing a hospital. Look for competent local specialists, orthopedists as well as physiotherapists and surgeons. Choose doctors you trust and be sure the treatment is right for your diagnosis.

The Apex Spine Clinic works with experienced specialists and innovative, gentle therapies. This makes it the right choice for diagnostics and treatment of back pain. With modern diagnostic methods and microsurgical, endoscopic techniques, we get to the bottom of the problem and enable stress-free treatment. The focus is always on you as the patient.