Everyone has heard of a herniated disc. The rumor keeps coming up that patients can simply sit out the herniated disc - especially in times of the Corona crisis, when nobody wants to go to the doctor. We explain here whether this is possible and when a disc operation is necessary.
60 to 80 percent of all 30 to 60 year olds suffer from back pain. This pain is always uncomfortable, but harmless in most cases. An accurate diagnosis must be at the beginning of every treatment.
Back pain has been a widespread disease in Germany for a long time. Incorrect posture at work, lack of exercise or overloading of the intervertebral discs are the most common causes.
At the end of January, the responsible federal ministry issued an ordinance due to the situation regarding working in the Corona Pandemic. This stipulates that employers must offer their employees the opportunity to work from home wherever possible. Employees, in turn, may not refuse this offer without reason.
The potential causes of back pain are as diverse as the different manifestations of back pain in terms of pain duration and location. The most important risk factors for specific and non-specific back pain are presented in the following section.
About 60 to 80 percent of people between the ages of 30 and 60 suffer from back pain. Finding the cause of this is not always easy. A distinction is made between specific and non-specific back pain. While specific pain can be triggered by a herniated disc or arthrosis, for example, the causes of non-specific pain are often unclear.
About 60 to 80 percent of people between the ages of 30 and 60 suffer from back pain. Finding the cause of this is not always easy. A distinction is made between specific and non-specific back pain. While specific pain can be triggered by a herniated disc or arthrosis, for example, the causes of non-specific pain are often unclear.
Patients suffering from a painful vertebral fracture can be helped with a new method. Kyphoplasty is one of the most modern procedures for repairing vertebral fractures. To do this, an approximately 1 centimeter long skin incision is first made under anesthesia. A catheter is inserted directly into the vertebral body via this access and a balloon is pushed into the fractured vertebra via a working cannula.
The Corona crisis caught many people unprepared. Until then, working from home was only seen as a marginal phenomenon in the working world. There has been a legal framework for VDU work since 2005. However, labor law experts and experts in occupational medicine and ergonomics are still calling for improvements. As a result of the Corona crisis, jobs have been relocated to employees in their own four walls wherever possible.
dr Michael Schubert successfully participates in the "World Congress on Spine Endoscopy".
A herniated disc is very common in 30- to 50-year-olds who don't get enough exercise. As soon as the core of the intervertebral disc presses on the nerves, back pain occurs. These can manifest themselves locally or radiate to other parts of the body. In addition to a lack of exercise, the main causes of a herniated disc are stress, poor posture, obesity or poor connective tissue.
The intervertebral discs are located between the individual vertebrae of the spine. They absorb shock and are responsible for the mobility of the spine. In the case of a herniated disc, parts of the disc are pushed outwards, i.e. towards the spinal canal where the nerves run. This causes pain, which manifests itself as pure back pain or sometimes as leg pain.
Everyone knows it: After a long day, your back hurts and ruins any evening plans. If you also suffer from frequent back pain, you are not alone - the problem has long been a widespread disease.
Everyone knows it: After a long day, your back hurts and ruins any evening plans. If you also suffer from frequent back pain, you are not alone - the problem has long been a widespread disease.
The definition: A pathological kyphosis is understood to mean an outwardly convex curvature in the spine. Colloquially, this is referred to as a hunched back. Physiological kyphosis occurs in two places on the spine - on the thoracic vertebrae and in the sacral area.
Back pain is often caused by prolonged, incorrect posture. Sometimes the cold can also play a role. Back pain and back problems are particularly common in winter. Why is that?
Back pain is often caused by prolonged, incorrect posture. Sometimes the cold can also play a role. Back pain and back problems are particularly common in winter. Why is that?
Thanks to research and further development in the Apex-Spine Spine Center:
The minimally invasive, endoscopic disc surgery has been revolutionized and is considered one of the most advanced spine surgeries
A herniated disc is usually extremely painful and can have long-term consequences. Just a few years ago, slipped discs were often treated prematurely with surgery. It can also be treated with painkillers, special heat treatments and suitable movement therapy. In this article you can find out which form of treatment is best for you.
A herniated disc in the cervical spine is extremely painful and restricts your activity and general well-being. Severe damage to the cervical spine can result in numbness, paralysis or damage to the spinal cord as a result of the problem. As a specialist in the cervical spine, we diagnose carefully and, in addition to clinical diagnostics, rely on innovative imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging.
If the intervertebral discs wear down, it may be that the patient's mobility is so severely restricted or movements can only be carried out with pain that the symptoms can only be corrected by using artificial intervertebral discs.
You can find out what these are and how artificial intervertebral discs work here.