Treat neck pain with these methods

Neck pain is quite common these days. One of the reasons for this is that we don't move enough and usually have a bad sitting position. Treating neck pain is not that easy. For this reason, we would like to give you valuable information on the development of neck pain and tips on how to treat it.

Causes of neck pain: Kyphosis and Co

Tension in the muscles in the neck area usually causes classic neck pain. However, there are also other possible causes, such as a "stiff neck" as a result of a cold. Have you recently exposed yourself to a strong draft, for example while airing or on a walk? If so, you've probably contracted neck pain. However, there can also be more serious causes that do not regenerate on their own. This includes, for example, the so-called kyphosis - a curvature of the spine backwards.

These are treatment options for neck pain

If you go to the doctor because of neck pain, he will treat you immediately in an acute case. If your family doctor doesn't know what to do, he will refer you to an orthopaedist. Other procedures may be used after a physical exam. In addition to computed tomography, this also includes X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging, often referred to as MRI. In the case of particularly acute neck pain, there are three different methods used by doctors. Chiropractors usually treat the neck with an intensive massage. In this way, blockages and tension are effectively released. Another way to treat neck pain is through injections. Here, the doctor injects a light anesthetic into the overstrained roots of the affected nerves. This blocks the transmission of acute pain to the brain. The result: You no longer consciously perceive the pain, but the cause persists. The third option doctors use is acupuncture. Here, fine needles are used to influence the flow of energy in the body. This method belongs to the alternative methods.

What can help against neck pain?

There are numerous measures that you can use yourself to treat neck pain. If the pain in the neck area is caused by tension, targeted relaxation exercises can quickly provide significant relief. If you think that the neck pain is caused by a cold draft, this simple tip will help: keep your neck and neck warm. This works best with a thick scarf or in a hot bath. The warmth relaxes the muscles and the pain subsides. In general, as a preventive measure, you should ensure that you never expose your body to drafts. If you are particularly sensitive to cold, you should protect your neck with a cloth or appropriate clothing, even in the summer months. There is another way to effectively treat neck pain at home: simply massage yourself. This works best with light circular movements. If you feel uncomfortable stretching, ask a friend or family member for help. A massage ball can make this process easier.