Fast help with a herniated disc

Unfortunately, a herniated disc is not uncommon these days. People of all ages and genders suffer from this condition due to lack of exercise, poor posture or specific problems with the lumbar spine. Here you can find out what you need to do if you suspect a herniated disc and how it can be treated.

Herniated disc, kyphosis and co: treatment options

In general, the options can be divided into surgical and non-surgical treatment options. All measures that do not require an operation are referred to as conservative. If the lumbar spine hurts, physical rest and exercise will help. However, care should be taken here that the region around the spine is not put under too much strain. Relaxation exercises are best. These not only help the body, but can also have a positive effect on the psyche. A stable psyche is largely responsible for the fact that you can also mentally deal with the pain. The body is supported with the help of medicines, which have pain-relieving ingredients. These include primarily non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the conservative approaches do not help, the lumbar spine will have to be operated on. In the event of problems with the intervertebral disc, it is best to contact your family doctor, who will refer you to a specialist. This ultimately decides whether an operation is necessary or not.

Here you can get help if you suspect a herniated disc

In the event of persistent pain in the lower back, you should urgently consult your general practitioner, who will discuss the next steps with you. As a rule, various physical, but also neurological examinations are carried out in order to make a clear diagnosis. This includes computer tomography, MRT and various laboratory tests. In most cases, an attempt is made to limit the suffering with medication so that you can move reasonably well again. After that, it is also up to you whether the problems with the lumbar spine will disappear even without an operation. In any case, everything should be done to ensure that an operation does not have to be carried out. Firstly, this is not necessary in many cases and secondly, it is not always effective.

You can recognize a herniated disc by these symptoms

If you suffer from severe back pain that radiates towards the extremities, then it could be a problem with the spine. Tingling or a slight feeling of numbness also indicate a herniated disc. In the event of a herniated disc, some of those affected even experience temporary paralysis of a single arm or leg. In such a situation, you should not panic, but act quickly anyway. After all, it is not possible to say in advance whether the symptoms are actually caused by a herniated disc. The paralysis and numbness radiates from the region of the lumbar spine into the limbs because the inner part of the sensitive intervertebral disc protrudes outwards and consequently presses on the nerves of the spinal canal. This in turn is responsible for the sensations in the surrounding body regions. However, keep in mind that all of the

The above symptoms may, but do not have to, occur in your specific case. Paralysis only occurs, for example, if the lumbar spine that has slipped presses against individual nerves or directly on the spinal cord.