Foramen stenosis is a painful condition of the lumbar spine

If a patient has a foramen stenosis, this can be equated with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. Foramen stenosis is a narrowing of the nerve exit hole. This constriction is usually caused by a herniated disc, usually acutely or slowly by a bony constriction. After an exact diagnosis, which is based on a precise anamnesis and imaging procedures such as X-rays or MRT, the therapy can begin. If there is no improvement in symptoms even after prolonged treatment, appropriate surgery is recommended.

Clear definition of foramen stenosis

Orthopaedists speak of this disease when there is a narrowing of the nerve canals, which affects the nerves at their respective exit points. Foramen stenosis occurs primarily in the cervical and lumbar spine, in older people. Because signs of wear and tear due to age have a weakening effect on intervertebral discs, bones and joints. In this situation, the body tries to solve the problem itself by building a kind of "bone bridge" around the affected, defective joints and intervertebral discs. If these extend into the nerve exit hole (foramen) or the spinal canal, they cause pain.

Clear symptoms are recognizable

Anyone suffering from a foramen stenosis feels severe shooting pain in the arm, which is often accompanied by numbness and weakness. In the case of the acute symptoms, slipped intervertebral disc material is responsible, which presses on the nerves. If left untreated, these incidents can lead to calcification of the herniated disc in the cervical spine. The symptoms of the disease typically appear on only one side of the body and are expressed in pain, but also burning and difficulty in moving. The majority of those affected also complain of a certain tingling in the affected side of the body.

Foraminal stenosis of the lumbar spine

This is a nerve canal narrowing in the lumbar spine generalized so-called central spinal canal stenosis or usually only one-sided, also called foramen stenosis. Older people in particular are at risk of being affected. The cause of foramen stenosis is usually wear and tear that is age-related. The disease itself must be accurately diagnosed. A CT or MRI is used for this purpose so that other diseases such as a tumor or rheumatism can be ruled out. Those affected must be aware that a high-grade foramen stenosis of the lumbar spine cannot regress on its own. It is therefore important that a specialist in diseases of the spine is consulted in good time. He or she can initiate the necessary steps to achieve good treatment success.

Treatment of foramen stenosis

After a comprehensive diagnosis, treatment is carried out, which usually first leads to conservative therapy measures. In concrete terms, this means comprehensive relief of the severe pain that the patient usually feels similar to a herniated disc. The reason for this is that the body tries to stabilize the spine by increasing muscle tension, which in turn triggers severe pain due to muscle tension. Occupational therapy with exercises that can consist of cycling and walking can also alleviate the impairments. If these measures have no effect, it is a case of high-grade foramen stenosis, which means that an operation can no longer be ruled out. This is particularly necessary if no pain relief can be achieved for the patient or if his mobility is severely restricted.

Disturbing bony structures that are causing the pain are effectively removed from the spine, thereby relieving the nerves. In particularly difficult cases, it can also happen that the entire intervertebral disc has to be removed. This is then replaced by a high-quality carbon implant that restores mobility.