November 2010/ Dr. Michael Schubert: Surgical method inspires Chinese and Americans

His surgical method is so unique that the most renowned surgeons in the world now want to learn from him: Over the next two weeks, spinal surgeon Dr. Michael Schubert (45) from the Apex Spine Center Munich performed his endoscopic disc surgery live during a workshop in Miami, Chongquing and Chengdu (China). Orthopedists and neurosurgeons from the USA and around the world watch him.

In particular, Schubert treats the complicated herniated discs in the cervical spine more gently and with less risk than anyone else. Instead of the usual open procedure with a neck incision of five to eight centimeters, he only makes a "stitch" for a 2.5 millimeter small tube and then removes the displaced part of the intervertebral disc with mini cutters and forceps. He developed the smallest tools himself.

Schubert: “The endoscopic procedure to remove the herniated disc is much gentler on the tissue than conventional open disc surgery. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia, and the patients can leave the clinic pain-free after just two hours.” The stability and mobility of the operated movement segment are completely preserved.

Schubert has already successfully performed the revolutionary minimally invasive therapy in the cervical spine area on more than 200 patients - he is now passing on his knowledge in the live operations.

Of course, the method also works in the lumbar region.

Other advantages: Difficult follow-up treatments, long hospital stays and downtime at work are many times lower than with conventional open operations.